The Ultimate SBI PO Exam Preparation Schedule to Crack the Exam

sbi po exam

State Bank of India conducts an examination each year for the bank PO position. It is one of the most sought-after job posts leading to more aspirants than vacancies. Hence, it is important to prepare for it in a smart but effective manner. The examination is divided into two parts, preliminary examination and mains examination. To formulate a comfortable study strategy, one has to stay updated with the revised syllabus and paper pattern. 

This article will provide you with tips and tricks to systematically plan a study schedule that helps you enhance your preparation. Inculcate these steps to frame a brilliant game plan to crack the SBI PO examination. Click here for more info to check the previous year cut-off so you can fix your target score and work accordingly.

Outline the course

First and foremost is to lay down a clear foundation of the syllabus so you can narrow down the topics you have to study and allocate your time effectively. The preliminary examination has three subjects while the mains has four subjects. It will be easier to check the topics in each subject and move forward with lists as such: one list of the topics that you are comfortable with, the second list of the topics that you find challenging, and the third list to mark all the topics that are important.

You have the advantage of having access to the internet for preparation. The course structure, various tutorials and a number of mock test papers can be found with one click.

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Devise a Study Plan

When you have the three lists of topics, you have to allocate the time to maximize the productivity level. An effective study plan should be one you are comfortable following, enhances your work rate and helps your learning.

It is a key point to dedicate a minimum of an hour or two to each subject every day. You can try to finish questions from one topic per day along with reading through the theory for better comprehension. 

One of the most effective ways to keep yourself persistent with preparation is by applying the intensive theory of motivation. Generally, our efforts for certain things depend greatly on the rewards we gain out of achieving the end goal. Set targets and reward yourself each time you attain the set goal.

Study Materials

Gathering the right books is important to save your time and effort. You can flick through various books but it will cost you some precious time. Instead, follow the course given in books or you can log onto Olive Board. The platform provides you with the best study material available for the preparation of SBI PO examinations in record time.

Mock test papers and previous years papers are one way to improve your speed and accuracy once you are confident in your preparation. Take time to learn each concept, clear your doubts and then solve the mock test papers. This way you will practice and retain what you learn by putting your knowledge to the test.

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Sectional Preparation

Each section of the exam demands a different amount of preparation. Due to the difference in maximum score and number of questions, it will benefit you to strategize ahead for each section.

Go through the previous years question papers so you get an idea about the variety of questions asked in the SBI PO exam and the importance of each topic. Once you analyse the paper, you can move ahead to the actual preparation. You can avail yourself section-wise test papers from various online platforms. Solve the papers and Time yourself so you can assess your knowledge.

Keep in mind that the paper has sectional passing marks as well. With negative marking for each incorrect answer and the compulsion of minimum marks required in each section, you have your hands full for preparation.

Take time and proper breaks

Everybody has a different capacity to learn and retain syllabus. You have to pull yourself out of your comfort zone but do not push your limits more than required. Eating healthy and getting a good amount of sleep is as essential for preparation as the learning itself.

Study routine should be designed for your comfort. Take breaks of 5-10 minutes every hour or two so you stay active. Getting some physical exercise between study sessions so your body and mind are aware and you can store more information. This way you avoid cramming things and instead the knowledge gets stored in your long-term memory.

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Stay Motivated

Preparing for such a competitive examination as SBI PO has its own drawbacks. There are so many aspirants trying to give their best and everyone is liable to have moments where they feel demotivated. It does not have to stay that way. Give yourself the time and space to cope with the schedule mentally too. Let yourself soak the information and allow yourself to have some leisure time.

Reward yourself on achieving targeted goals so you stay motivated and put more effort into the preparation. Stay calm and collected so you can attempt the paper with a focused mind. Remember that each effort makes a difference in the long run.

Are you Exam-ready?

This article gives you a guide on how to go about with your preparation for SBI PO examination. It is a well-paid job opportunity hence, numerous aspirants. Strategize for your preliminary examination along with the mains examination. This way you would have more focus.

Follow the above given pointers to make an efficient study plan for yourself. You can log onto Olive Board for all the required study materials and mock test papers. The course is vast and at times challenging but you can take classes and consult tutorials for better comprehension of each topic.

Most important of all key points is to stay healthy. To crack the examination you need to put vigorous efforts and for that you need your energy. When your body and mind are healthy, exam preparation is an easy sail that requires disciplined efforts.

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