Here’s All You Need to Know About DEGORGEMENT PARIS



Paris is a civilized city that is rich in food and wine. It is a wealthy city with lots of cultural richness and a pretty urban landscape. No doubt the city is an urban dream but DEGORGEMENT PARIS is still subterranean. Interesting right? So, let us talk more about DEGORGEMENT PARIS today!


The Paris sewer system is the epitome of cleanliness. It was first built in the 1200s. The DEGORGEMENT PARIS consisted of some great open troughs. These open troughs made a major reason for the spread of some inescapable diseases especially the Black Death in Paris. 

The first underground sewer in Paris was built in the 1370s. The sewer was built as a tribute to the Seine River. The first underground sewer in Paris went through expansion for as long as 400 years. However, lack of coverage and disrepair created a lot more problems in the pre-revolutionary times.

Napoleon Bonaparte’s reigning period led to immense growth in the city of Paris including DEGORGEMENT PARIS. He ensured that the sewage system was brought back to a much better position than before. He ordered to build as many as 182 new sewer miles.

Finally, Hugo’s sewers came into light. A man named Baron Haussmann then engineered the world-famous dual underground system in 1850. Separate passages were constructed for sewage and drinking water. The separation was done using the iron piping technique apart from the digging technique. All thanks to the Industrial Revolution! By 1875, the DEGORGEMENT PARIS became as long as 360 miles.

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Over the years, the unique sanitary function made the DEGORGEMENT PARIS a sight for tourist attractions. Different sewer sections were showcased during the drainage system tour.

Today, DEGORGEMENT PARIS sewers extend to as long as 1,300 miles. The drainage system is gaining increasing popularity to date. The Paris Sewer Museum is yet another depiction of their one-of-a-kind drainage system built in prehistoric times.

Why is the Paris sewer system labeled “So Unusual”?

DEGORGEMENT PARIS sewers are unique. Imagine going on a tour through the Paris sewer system in a boat. So unbelievable, right? Well, how Paris cleans its drainage system is all the more unreal. 

Most sewer systems need a constant water flow to prevent things from sticking onto the drains or backing up. Once in a while, such an overtime buildup might create blockage by stopping consistent water flow. But that is exactly when you will need professional help to get the drainage pipes cleaned. Smaller drainage pipes are relatively easier to clean as compared to large sewers. Large sewers will require greater care and attention over the years. 

Cleaning a drainage pipe is quite an uninteresting job. And cleaning the sewers in Paris is even more unreal. Most of the time, a huge ball is thrown within the DEGORGEMENT PARIS sewer system. The ball is usually a diameter under the width of the drainage pipe. The pipe is put inside to push along the water that is behind the ball. The water will have a tough time and won’t pass along. This might lead to some water pressure build-up against the ball creating a great force and speed. All the grit, blockage, and fat will get dislodged, leaving behind a pitch clean sewer pipe.


Eugene Belgrand first introduced these giant balls introduced during the 19th century. The main advantage of using these giant balls for cleaning the sewers is that workers don’t have to go within the drainage pipes to clean them. It has made cleaning DEGORGEMENT PARIS a lot easier.

You can these giant balls at display within the Paris Sewer Museum. Be it the small wooden balls or the large metal ones, get to witness them all in the Paris Sewer Museum collection.

How do you prevent a drain from clogging?

Keeping your home, office, or restaurant’s drainage system in a good shape is a personal responsibility. Being consistent with the cleaning process is one of the best ways to prevent a drain from clogging or creating unprecedented future problems. Following some preventative measures in advance can save you an expensive plumber service expense.

Clogging drains are one of the biggest issues faced by household owners today. Especially during the summer months because everybody takes bath much more often. The biggest culprit is human hair but not the only cause. Following these preventative tips can certainly save you a big professional service bill:

  • Keep coffee grounds, grease, and food out of the kitchen drains as much as possible
  • Put any leftover food in the compost heap and not in the garbage heap
  • Pour liquid grease into a closed or sealable container and take it to the recycling center. Don’t drain it!
  • Collect hair in a drain hair catcher or something to prevent them from running through the drains and eventually clogging them
  • Don’t flush just anything and everything. The toilet flush is designed for toilet paper and human waste only. Flushing stingy and dense materials can cause excessive drain clogging problems eventually

How to always keep all the drains clean?

There are a lot of ways and preventative measures that can help you keep the drains in your home, workplace, restaurant, etc. pitch clean.

  • Get the Drains Cleaned Every Week
  • Get the Drains Flushed Every Week
  • Deep Clean Your Bathroom Tub’s Drain Once in A Month
  • Use A Good Quality Bacterial Cleanser to Maintain A Good Drain Health

Even if you become extremely mindful of what you put into a drain. There is still a good chance that won’t clear any debris that might collect over time. 

Some drains will need more checking as compared to the regular ones. For instance, the bathroom tub’s drain, the bathroom sink drain, the shower drain, etc. 

You can also use a drain guard and some boiling water to clean the drains. And if you ever notice any signs of leakage or some smell that is extraordinarily displeasing, then it is time to call a professional DEGORGEMENT PARIS service to do the job for you.

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