How with Technology we Try to Imitate Real Life

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It’s time to move on to the technology that has rapidly burst into our everyday life and no longer causes any surprise. After all, even the Sweet Bonanza slot has become one of the favorite virtual entertainments of people around the world.

Why we are trying to replace real life with VR and AR technologies

AR technology is when a computer-generated image is superimposed on real-world objects. This has many opportunities and prospects for improving the conditions of everyday life.

For example, you want to buy a new lamp for the living room, but you don’t know if it will fit into the interior. In order not to make a mistake, you download the application, choose the right lamp from the store catalog, point the camera at the place in the apartment and decide whether it suits you.

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In addition to entertainment and everyday life, augmented reality can be widely used in engineering and construction. Thus, augmented reality glasses allow you to use a digital copy of the object on the construction site in real time, which reduces the number of errors. 

Chatbots usage

The current stage of development and improvement of chatbots allowed them to move from specialized sites to messengers and master new professional areas. For example, chatbots can provide consultations on standard questions to bank customers without the involvement of an operator. 

According to analysts, chatbot services are widely used in banking, finance, insurance, government agencies are on the second place, e-commerce and retail are on the third place. According to IT experts, chatbots should be considered as one of the elements of the global trend of digital business transformation.

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Experts believe that one of the reasons for the growth of the chatbot technology market is the further integration of bots with social networks and messengers in order to improve customer interaction and increase the level of services provided [3].That is why chatbots are widely used in customer support services to facilitate and speed up the work of operators. 

Artificial intelligence and its impact on everyday life

There is still a long way to go, but thanks to contextual technologies like Siri or Google Now Cortana, we are learning to build such programs better and better. They can predict human actions and react to them correctly. It won’t be long before we make a robot that can think. Or make a thoughtful look.

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Today, artificial intelligence (AI) technology touches every aspect of our personal and professional lives online. The invisible hand of AI in everyday life is everywhere. For example, people regularly check their social media accounts, and it is AI that takes care of customizing your news feed. 

Even in video games and games at Vulkan live casino we often compete with a virtual opponent. This virtual player is an embodiment of a real gamer and is designed to duplicate gaming behaviour throughout through machine learning and programming, providing the user with a superior gaming experience.

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