How to Tap a Corny Keg: Step-by-Step Instructions

Corny Keg

Whether you are going to have a fun party in the backyard or just getting a job as a bartender, you need to understand how to knock on the barrel. Changing the Cornelius keg is a relatively quick task, but you only need to follow a few tips to pour tasty drinks from the tap. Let’s go!

How Do You Tap a Corny Keg Step-by-Step?

So, you’re getting ready to work with beer kegs. Where to start? All you have to do is take 5 steps each time you deal with Cornelius keg:

  1. Get acquainted with the keg’s type and connection systems.
  2. Cool the keg.
  3. Connect the tap to the barrel for pouring the drink.
  4. Let the gas in, let out the drink.
  5. Enjoy!
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 Now, let’s take a closer look at these steps.

Step 1. Preparation

You need to know what type of connection you use. Standard in the US are 5-gallon kegs marked “D.” There are still imported “S” barrels. Your dealer should provide information on the keg’s type and the type of connection so that you can easily find the right equipment and spare parts and know how to set it up.

Step 2. Cooling of the whole barrel

Problems occur when only the lower third is cooled. In this case, instead of a delicious beer, you risk getting shampoo — so much foam will be in the cup. To cool the whole keg evenly, you will need things that are quite easy to find: garbage bags or a large bucket that will hold the entire beer barrel. Let the keg cool for a few hours before you start the party. It is also desirable to cool the beer line and tap. This will help you pour a tasty beer without too much foam.

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Step 3. Connect

Remove the cardboard or plastic near the tap and attach it to the keg’s top. To do this, you need to make sure that the coupling is flush with the keg valves. The system rotates clockwise all the way without undue effort.

Step 4. Connect and turn on the pump

Connect the pump and push its handle down to the on position. From this moment, the gas will enter the keg, and the beer will flow easily. If you see bubbles at the joint, take one step back and repeat the procedure. Bubbles indicate that the connection is incorrect.

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Step 5. Start the party

Be prepared for the fact that the first pint will go solid foam. Set the glass aside and wait for the foam to settle or just pour it out. When you press the valve again, pump the handle and pour a delicious chilled beer to your guests and, of course, yourself.

If you notice that there is still a lot of foam, the keg is under excessive pressure. Depending on the type of equipment, the problem is solved in two ways: the excess pressure goes down through a special valve, or, as in the case of the first pint, pour and stand until the foam in the glass becomes less. You can also cool the barrel again as the beer foams more when warm.

That’s all. Cheers!

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