7 Cloud Storage Benefits for Smartphone Users

Cloud Storage

The public cloud market is projected to reach $338 billion by 2021. This growth is only expected to grow as more people realize the cloud storage benefits and adopt it.

Also, the myriad of problems that faces the storage mediums, like size, corruption, and hacking, is fueling this growth.

This growth has seen big tech companies join the market to become cloud service providers and gain revenue. This is because they’ve understood that cloud storage is the future and is here to stay.

If you’re not sure why you should adopt cloud storage, we’ve prepared a list of seven benefits that you’re missing out on.

Keep reading and find out.


For most people, anything related to the internet is enough to send shivers down their spine. This is because the internet has become laden with fraudsters looking for any chance to defraud you for everything you have. There’s nothing that these people can’t steal from you, from financial to identity theft.

It’s therefore reasonable to be concerned about the security of your data when it’s stored in cloud storage. After all, your documents, images, and videos are saved on servers you have no control. You might be concerned about the vulnerability of these servers to cybercriminals.

Cloud service providers have invested in state-of-the-art security and encryption measures to ensure your data is safe. Unlike mobile storage, your data may be more secure when stored in cloud storage.

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Research and learn more info on cloud storage security and how it works.


Perhaps the greatest advantage of having mobile cloud storage is the ease of access to the stored media and data. Nothing comes close to the convenience of having access to your data and media from anywhere on earth. All you need to have is an internet connection, and voila, you have your photos, videos, and other important documents.

To make things better, the cloud services have easy to use interface. This means that you don’t need to engage the services of technicians to upload your data online or retrieve it from the cloud. All you need is to drag and drop, and you’re ready to go.

This makes it easier for you to migrate your document to another device. Attempting to migrate your media and document to another phone or medium could prove to be difficult than you might think. It requires the use of cables, computers, and sometimes third-party apps.

Save yourself all these hassles and get yourself and invest in mobile cloud storage.

Cost Friendly

Reducing cost is one of the advantages of cloud storage. With mobile phones having limited storage, you’ll soon find yourself looking for additional storage. The price of the added storage can be hefty, which could mean a significant dent in your pocket.

With cloud storage, you get all the answers to your storage problem and for only a small fee. There are different packages to suit the varying storage needs that people have. If you are a photograph enthusiast, who takes a million photos daily, cloud storage has covered you.

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What makes mobile cloud storage cost-efficient is that you only pay for what you use. Another added advantage of cloud storage is that most cloud service providers usually offer a free start-up package that makes them very appealing.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery refers to the act of producing and maintaining data copies that may be used to safeguard against data loss and damage. Recovery from a backup usually entails restoring the data to its original location or another location where it may be utilized instead of the lost or damaged data.

Picture this, you have stored very important photos of the most important milestones of your life, like a wedding or your first child’s journey. These media mean the world to you, and you store them in a hard disk which you subsequently lock in your home safe. You’re now at ease knowing that the hard disk is secure in the state of the art, burglar, and water and fireproof safe; what can go wrong?

A time comes where you want to showcase these moments or journeys to people close to you. When everyone is settled and ready to take the trip down memory lane, you get the “file is corrupted” notification. It feels like the world is spinning, and you can’t hold back your tears, imagining your precious memories are lost.

With cloud storage, you’ll recovery immediately from the shock, knowing that a backup copy is on the cloud. Learn more here about how to delete duplicate files on the cloud.


The core element for any cloud storage system is synchronization. Every cloud storage provider strives to ensure their system allows for synchronization in a bid to remain competitive. The 

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ability for users to access data remotely from anywhere on the globe is made possible by synchronization.

This essentially eliminates the need to copy data from one device to the other. With the correct credentials and a steady internet connection, you can view all your data at your convenience. Make a subscription to cloud storage of your choice and enjoy remote connections.

Cloud Storage Enhances Scalability

Cloud storage is so good that it allows you to scale your storage needs to your needs. This means that if your storage needs go above your estimations, no worries.

You just extend your storage plan to suit your current needs. If you have a bigger storage plan than you need, just dial it down.

Cloud Storage Allows Multiple Devices and Users

In this contemporary world, we’re living in, technological devices like mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. With cloud storage, it’s possible to link different users and devices to your storage plan.

The users may be on the furthest corner of the globe and still connect to your storage subscription. All they need is to have the necessary credentials to gain access.

Subscribe and Enjoy These Cloud Storage Benefits

Don’t risk your precious data and media; find the best cloud services provider and get a subscription that fits your storage needs. This way, you can enjoy these cloud storage benefits and more.

For more practical technology tips, please read our other blogs.

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